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Rural Advisory Service implemented the project Environmentally Sound Pasturelandswith support of Eurasia Foundation from July 2010-September 2011 in three communities of Samtskhe-Javakheti region, Tsnisi (Akhaltsikhe Municipality), Sholaveri (Adigeni Municipality) and Rustavi (Aspindza Municipality).

3 ha of plot were selected by the initiative group in each community within the project framework and the plots were cultivated with innovation technology (so called over-seeder). Mixed crops consisting of 8 perennial varieties of cereal and legumes (White clover, Red clover, Timothy Grass, Italian Rye grass, English Rye grass, Rabbit Nails, Cocksfoot and Meadow grass) were grown. The method is unique, because, the seeding takes places without plowing, by a special seeder, without destroy of the soil structure. Accordingly, the risk of erosion is decreased and it costs less for farmers, as they have not expenses related to plow and cultivation.

Copyright © 2013, Rurar Advisory Service

ვებ-გვერდის მომზადება შესაძლებელი გახდა ამერიკელი ხალხის და აშშ საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს დახმარებით. შინაარსზე პასუხს აგებს შპს „სასოფლო საკონსულტაციო სამსახური“ და შესაძლოა ის არ ასახავდეს აშშ საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს ან აშშ მთავრობის მოსაზრებებს.